Sunday, October 19, 2014

Color Choropleth Map. HOORAY for Color!

 This map was optimized for the web, and the colors look exactly how I wanted them to look.  The purple variations are noticeable (I chose purple because that is the color associated with Alzheimer's disease, and the Alzheimer's Association).  The background color was a muted yellow, which is a good contrasting color with purple.  It makes the purple stand out more.  However, on different screens it is different colors.  On my screen at home, it's much more muted and nice.  On the screens at school, it has a tinge of green.  However, on the printed version, the purple variations aren't as bright and beautiful as they are on the web.  The background color is also brighter, and a bit more greenish yellow.  It doesn't look bad, but I wish the purple had been more pronounced on the print.  Since this is for the web, though, I am pleased with how it came out.

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